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- 投稿者:引用 | 2020年9月28日
1 ::2020/09/24(木) 15:55:34.58 ID:GVEnIGxP0●.net ?PLT(22000)
Senate Report Accuses Hunter Biden Of Paying For Hookers Who May Have Been Trafficked
An earthshattering report released by Senate investigators Wednesday outlining
the Biden family’s long list of conflicts of interest at the upper echelons of government
unearthed new allegations of former Vice President Joe Biden’s son making
multiple payments to Eastern European prostitutes.
According to the joint report out by the Senate Homeland Security and
Government Affairs Committee with the Senate Treasury Committee,
Hunter Biden made a number of payments to foreign nationals with
“questionable backgrounds” consistent with “organized prostitution and/or human trafficking.”
Records on file with the committee, the report says, “confirm that Hunter Bide
n sent thousands of dollars to individuals who have either: 1) been involved in
transactions consistent with possible human trafficking; 2) an association with
the adult entertainment industry; or 3) potential association with prostitution.”
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