【画像】 米有名youtuber、50口径の超強力銃弾を発射したところ銃が爆発 首・胸・顔に甚大な損傷
- 未分類
- 投稿者:引用 | 2021年5月17日
1 ::2021/05/14(金) 13:14:56.43 ID:Q41uWbli0●.net ?PLT(22000)
Terrifying Moment Man’s 50-Cal Rifle Explodes In His Face
Scott, from the Kentucky Ballistics YouTube channel, shared his experiences in a frank video
in which he said ‘almost bit the dust’ during the ‘freak accident’ on 9 April when his Serbu RN 50 exploded.
Splicing his video with footage he filmed on the day of the incident,
which involved him shooting at an old fire hydrant, Scott said ‘everything was going pretty
smooth’ until he noticed some of the 50 BMG SLAP ammunition was ‘acting a little funny’.
The YouTuber went on to stress that the gun had been ‘functioning normally’ explaining that
he’s been using it for a long time and never had any problems with it in the past.
Before he added: “These rounds are extremely rare and they’re very old. They’re,
like, a hundred dollars a piece; these aren’t manufactured anymore. And really there’s no way
you can ever know what’s happened to them over time as they’ve passed hand-to-hand.
“I was under the impression these were genuine military surplus rounds and hadn’t been tampered with.”
The clip then cuts to the shocking moment the gun exploded, with him being pushed back
in his chair while parts of the gun exploded in all directions.
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