【速報】ウクライナ東部の自称ドネツク人民共和国が「総動員」を発令 戦時体制に [135853815]
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- 投稿者:引用 | 2022年2月23日
1 ::2022/02/19(土) 15:42:53.03 ID:b7l8IUi20●.net ?PLT(13000)
AFP News Agency@AFP
#BREAKING Ukraine rebel leader announces ‘general mobilisation’ in Donetsk region
AFP News Agency@AFP
The leader of the east Ukraine breakaway region, the so-called Donetsk People’s Republic, says he has introduced general mobilisation as fears of war mount.
AFP News Agency@AFP
“I urge my fellow citizens who are in the reserves to come to military conscription offices. Today I signed a decree on general mobilisation,” Denis Pushilin says in a video statement as monitors warn of an uptick in fighting in eastern Ukraine.
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