ウクライナのポロシェンコ前大統領がカラシニコフで武装して前線へ [711292139]
- 未分類
- 投稿者:引用 | 2022年2月27日
1 ::2022/02/26(土) 11:33:52.87 ID:mLlr6awR0.net ?PLT(13121)
Former Ukrainian president Petro @poroshenko shows @JohnBerman the arms his group is carrying, including a short Kalashnikov and two machine guns, noting they don’t have a tank or anything more since they just started this patrol a few days ago
162 ::2022/02/26(土) 17:31:13.86 ID:QGGlepUy0.net
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111 ::2022/02/26(土) 14:22:47.96 ID:9y8Y3T/L0.net
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62 ::2022/02/26(土) 12:00:39.19 ID:S8UQSYsr0.net
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15 ::2022/02/26(土) 11:38:54.40 ID:ymLt1pqu0.net
10 ::2022/02/26(土) 11:37:28.25 ID:dByV+T1z0.net
155 ::2022/02/26(土) 17:19:43.42 ID:NZM+Tftu0.net
134 ::2022/02/26(土) 15:14:03.89 ID:H64qDvcs0.net
70 ::2022/02/26(土) 12:07:48.48 ID:1xDe4X770.net
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141 ::2022/02/26(土) 15:35:41.41 ID:tAlC8S/Z0.net
55 ::2022/02/26(土) 11:56:43.99 ID:ZBZ1BDyI0.net
189 ::2022/02/26(土) 18:57:16.59 ID:GOvOmPt40.net
125 :ロジカル・ラグナロク :2022/02/26(土) 15:02:14.33 ID:C4OFIPAn0.net
25 ::2022/02/26(土) 11:42:52.32 ID:IFGHQA+80.net
11 ::2022/02/26(土) 11:37:49.85 ID:C6NWv4xP0.net
9 ::2022/02/26(土) 11:36:58.41 ID:ymLt1pqu0.net
81 ::2022/02/26(土) 12:23:28.58 ID:UnI6BRog0.net