「最前線で戦ってくれる戦士募集、日給22万円、日本人も可。ウクライナを勝利に導こう!」急げ! [839071744]
- 未分類
- 投稿者:引用 | 2022年3月28日
1 ::2022/03/26(土) 14:25:36.15 ID:dDrmaXnm0●.net ?PLT(13000)
Wanted: multilingual former soldiers willing to covertly head into Ukraine for the handsome sum
of up to $2,000 (£1,523) per day – plus bonus – to help rescue families from an increasingly grim conflict.
It sounds ripped from the script of an action movie, but the job advert is real – taken from an employment
website, Silent Professionals, for those working in the private military and security industry.
And, insiders say, demand is growing. Amid a gut-wrenching war in Ukraine, US and European private
contractors say they are increasingly eying opportunities, ranging from ‘extraction’ missions to helping with logistics.
362 ::2022/03/26(土) 16:49:08.07 ID:P3T9in+e0.net
37 ::2022/03/26(土) 14:34:30.27 ID:5wvaN2z60.net
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568 ::2022/03/26(土) 22:12:09.53 ID:/aHGs0wG0.net
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616 ::2022/03/27(日) 04:28:54.96 .net
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211 ::2022/03/26(土) 15:32:45.39 ID:/tACHQS70.net
91 ::2022/03/26(土) 14:48:59.16 ID:gfH+ahQ50.net
356 ::2022/03/26(土) 16:43:05.22 ID:WK9kZPEi0.net
557 ::2022/03/26(土) 20:56:49.98 ID:WSR/D1sA0.net
624 ::2022/03/27(日) 06:56:59.18 ID:8Syk8ZRM0.net
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615 ::2022/03/27(日) 04:03:12.43 ID:pnOrtrPE0.net
153 ::2022/03/26(土) 15:09:25.82 ID:1762UJPo0.net
89 ::2022/03/26(土) 14:48:40.95 ID:5mNoFPXv0.net
657 ::2022/03/27(日) 12:52:06.55 ID:IWUjnYY40.net
150 ::2022/03/26(土) 15:08:41.12 ID:6ANMMCje0.net
612 ::2022/03/27(日) 02:41:47.02 ID:EyZTq9vA0.net
134 ::2022/03/26(土) 15:02:28.81 ID:aFrFvqw50.net
10 ::2022/03/26(土) 14:28:57.81 ID:rzZgNqP50.net
474 ::2022/03/26(土) 18:23:21.01 ID:llxFukbx0.net
209 ::2022/03/26(土) 15:32:19.52 ID:+8DOUXzg0.net
198 ::2022/03/26(土) 15:28:09.34 ID:+8DOUXzg0.net
567 ::2022/03/26(土) 22:11:37.05 ID:+rRnHaQr0.net
546 ::2022/03/26(土) 20:10:25.53 ID:cLfxZpvk0.net
565 ::2022/03/26(土) 22:04:08.03 ID:hE8OjjHD0.net
411 ::2022/03/26(土) 17:10:33.22 ID:eOrtVuWh0.net