プーチンポ、外国人も動員へ 大統領令に署名 [158879285]
- 未分類
- 投稿者:引用 | 2022年11月22日
1 ::2022/11/15(火) 05:36:58.85 ID:4xfZ4Sp60.net ?PLT(16151)
Putin Signs Decree Allowing Russians With Dual Citizenship to Be Drafted
The move could help address Russia’s manpower shortage as it pursues its military campaign in Ukraine
Updated Nov. 14, 2022 3:21 pm ET
MOSCOW—Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a decree amending the regulations for Russians with a second citizenship to serve in Russia’s armed forces, in a move that could help bolster the ranks of the military as Moscow continues to pursue its military campaign in Ukraine.
The decree, which revises the military service regulations adopted in 1999, allows dual-national Russians and those with permanent residency status in foreign countries to be drafted into the army for military service.
Previously, only citizens of the Russian Federation could be called up for service. Dual nationals were exempt from conscription.
Nationals of any country can continue to serve in the Russian army under a contract in the ranks of soldiers, sailors, sergeants and foremen, so long as the individual isn’t under investigation, convicted or has a conviction that hasn’t been expunged, similar to the rules that apply to Russian citizens, according to the decree.
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