インドの人口が中国を超え世界一に ※ [725951203]
- 未分類
- 投稿者:引用 | 2023年4月20日
1 ::2023/04/19(水) 16:27:08.83 ID:JzrJbPBl0.net ?PLT(25252)
India Surpasses China as World’s Most Populous Nation, UN Says
India has overtaken China as the world’s most populous nation,
according to UN data released Wednesday.
India’s population surpassed 1.428 billion, slightly higher than
China’s 1.425 billion people, according to the UN’s World
Population dashboard.
The burgeoning population will add urgency for Prime Minister
Narendra Modi’s government to create employment for the
millions of people entering the workforce as the nation moves
away from farm jobs. India, where half the population is under
the age of 30, is set to be the world’s fastest-growing major
economy in the coming years.
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