立憲民主党「全ての破壊と絶望は、DSがもたらす」「敗戦後、傀儡は、DSにずっと参勤交代を続けている」 [135853815]
- 未分類
- 投稿者:引用 | 2023年5月8日
1 ::2023/05/07(日) 11:33:14.37 ID:gIbfprJK0●.net ?PLT(13000)
原口 一博@kharaguchi
All destruction and despair comes from DS.
In Japan, there was a system called Sankin Kotai during the Edo period. It is a large-scale ceremony where feudal lords show their loyalty to the shogunate.
After the defeat, the puppet has continued to “attend attendance” to the DS. The puppets are loyal to DS, not to the Japanese people. The victims are the people.
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