- 未分類
- 投稿者:引用 | 2020年2月20日
1 :オセアノスピリルム(ジパング) [US]:2020/02/16(日) 12:50:49 ?PLT ID:gTkE20ZW0.net
A CONSTRUCTION worker from India has allegedly beaten Usain Bolt’s 100 metre sprint record – with the help of two huge buffaloes.
Srinivasa Gowda, from Karnataka, has since been called up for national trials after he set an incredible time of 9.55 seconds.
The 28-year-old was taking part in Kambala – where people sprint 142m through paddy fields while holding onto two bufffaloes.
He thrashed his opponent as he covered a distance of 145 metres in just 13.62 seconds.
And he sped through the first 100 metres in just 9.55 seconds – which is 0.03 seconds quicker than Bolt’s record.
As a result of his incredible performance, Gowda has now been called up for trials by India’s Sports Ministry.
Union Minister Kiren Rijiu posted a picture of the 28-year-old in action as he vowed to train him up with the top coaches in the country.
He wrote: “Yes @PMuralidharRao ji. Officials from SAI have contacted him. His rail ticket is done and he will reach SAI centre on Monday.
19 :メチロコックス(長野県) [CN]:2020/02/16(日) 12:56:47 ID:yN02lUMY0.net
47 ::2020/02/16(日) 13:08:30.89 ID:V2gWBWm40.net
201 :カルディセリクム(神奈川県) [ID]:2020/02/16(日) 22:54:55 ID:N/moI5e50.net
138 ::2020/02/16(日) 14:39:48.09 ID:koWY42SE0.net
113 :シネココックス(SB-iPhone) [US]:2020/02/16(日) 14:11:40 ID:xeoHgxG00.net
35 :プニセイコックス(東京都) [FR]:2020/02/16(日) 13:00:16 ID:noGK3h3i0.net
122 :ビフィドバクテリウム(東京都) [US]:2020/02/16(日) 14:22:00 ID:1afd0Uj+0.net
120 ::2020/02/16(日) 14:19:59.94 ID:lnOnShUd0.net
79 :エリシペロスリックス(千葉県) [CN]:2020/02/16(日) 13:32:26 ID:DtFNxbGs0.net
182 :リケッチア(茸) [ニダ]:2020/02/16(日) 18:28:26 ID:HCc0VAWb0.net
182 :リケッチア(茸) [ニダ]:2020/02/16(日) 18:28:26 ID:HCc0VAWb0.net
147 :デスルフォビブリオ(香川県) [US]:2020/02/16(日) 15:00:19 ID:smjcWoVA0.net
205 :クトニオバクター(新潟県) [PL]:2020/02/17(月) 05:23:45 ID:3+gD6z9g0.net
73 :バクテロイデス(大阪府) [ニダ]:2020/02/16(日) 13:30:02 ID:3WPJx/BS0.net
135 ::2020/02/16(日) 14:36:10.35 ID:S9+G1fxH0.net
163 ::2020/02/16(日) 16:02:06.38 ID:vnNixVFO0.net
185 :キネオスポリア(東京都) [US]:2020/02/16(日) 18:45:15 ID:vPSjNl420.net
33 :アルテロモナス(茨城県) [ニダ]:2020/02/16(日) 12:59:42 ID:K5xIBm9j0.net
40 :エリシペロスリックス(東京都) [US]:2020/02/16(日) 13:03:04 ID:/GqR6V1m0.net
202 :デスルフロモナス(東京都) [US]:2020/02/16(日) 23:25:34 ID:2bA1ZgQj0.net
131 :クリシオゲネス(東京都) [ニダ]:2020/02/16(日) 14:29:32 ID:SKAwvvK40.net
187 ::2020/02/16(日) 19:11:32.25 ID:4+HUh8oW0.net
105 :フィシスファエラ(東京都) [US]:2020/02/16(日) 13:58:21 ID:TQIG0fm60.net
146 :シュードモナス(愛知県) [US]:2020/02/16(日) 14:57:46 ID:sPb3HLtb0.net
184 ::2020/02/16(日) 18:37:03.16 ID:+g9Iiciv0.net
54 ::2020/02/16(日) 13:11:22.95 ID:7wO/roKr0.net
46 ::2020/02/16(日) 13:08:01.53 ID:tLgTtcc00.net
48 ::2020/02/16(日) 13:08:55.08 ID:Eg3bigxG0.net
207 :クロマチウム(茸) [US]:2020/02/18(火) 15:06:37 ID:stH5TnZE0.net
6 :ナトロアナエロビウス(東京都) [US]:2020/02/16(日) 12:52:24 ID:8U1qLhfz0.net