【画像】 バングラデシュ、国内の新型コロナ患者の死者を悲しみ25000人が集まってお祈り
- 未分類
- 投稿者:引用 | 2020年3月25日
1 ::2020/03/22(日) 10:21:55.44 ID:pSYiYzsc0●.net ?PLT(13121)
25,000 people gather for Covid-19 prayer session in Bangladesh sparking outcry
DHAKA (AFP): A massive Covid-19 prayer session with tens of thousands of devotees sparked an outcry
in Bangladesh Wednesday (March 18) as the South Asian nation reported its first death from the global pandemic.
Local police chief Tota Miah said some 10,000 Muslims gathered in an open field in Raipur town in southern
Bangladesh to pray “healing verses” from the Koran to rid the country of the deadly virus.
“They held the Khatme Shifa prayers after dawn to free the country from the coronavirus,” Miah told AFP.
Organisers claimed the number of worshippers was 25,000.
He said organisers did not get permission from authorities to hold the session.
Photos of the gathering were widely shared on social media, with commenters slamming the massive rally.
Despite the appeal from authorities to avoid crowded public areas, many took the opportunity to head to tourism sites.
299 :レムデシビル(東京都) [CN]:2020/03/22(日) 14:05:05 ID:7ABm+cJH0.net
318 :パリビズマブ(コロン諸島) [US]:2020/03/22(日) 14:24:58 ID:HKu4qQtxO.net
42 :ダクラタスビル(空) [FR]:2020/03/22(日) 10:26:39 ID:l+/nqVZ00.net
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183 ::2020/03/22(日) 11:15:10.95 ID:0SJMhWG50.net
208 :ミルテホシン(東京都) [US]:2020/03/22(日) 11:33:07 ID:53fxwY920.net
298 :ファビピラビル(日本) [AU]:2020/03/22(日) 13:55:40 ID:oB8jiQ3J0.net
88 :ダサブビル(神奈川県) [ニダ]:2020/03/22(日) 10:35:09 ID:RLO2PBBV0.net
182 ::2020/03/22(日) 11:13:35.33 ID:JMdhXKDG0.net
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83 :インターフェロンβ(愛知県) [IN]:2020/03/22(日) 10:33:53 ID:oxUN4/em0.net
113 ::2020/03/22(日) 10:41:06.40 ID:sn6e7geU0.net
170 :パリビズマブ(日本) [US]:2020/03/22(日) 11:05:46 ID:ddW7cNDp0.net
198 :レムデシビル(東京都) [US]:2020/03/22(日) 11:26:43 ID:UDwYMRAd0.net
245 :ペンシクロビル(埼玉県) [ニダ]:2020/03/22(日) 12:19:17 ID:yD7YtogI0.net
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327 ::2020/03/22(日) 14:39:51.57 ID:DqnKXgT80.net
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155 ::2020/03/22(日) 10:57:15.62 ID:YfP8gWyo0.net
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75 :ペンシクロビル(埼玉県) [ニダ]:2020/03/22(日) 10:32:32 ID:yD7YtogI0.net
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331 :イノシンプラノベクス(神奈川県) [IT]:2020/03/22(日) 15:01:29 ID:lA2a/dg10.net