【速報】 米国、PS5が全米で販売開始、人が殺到して9秒で完売し炎上
- 未分類
- 投稿者:引用 | 2020年9月25日
1 ::2020/09/20(日) 06:07:42.56 ID:RFwiEMTu0●.net ?2BP(2000)
【悲報】 米国、PS5が全米で販売開始、人が殺到して9秒で完売し炎上
・PS5は全米で午後6:00:00から販売開始した 6:00:09に完売
The PS5 pre-order situation has so far been a bit of a mess, and Walmart’s fresh batch of
consoles at 6PM PT / 9PM ET on Thursday night did nothing to change that. They were gone in about a minute.
I was able to get a Digital Edition in my cart, but I didn’t pull the trigger because I already secured a preorder yesterday.
My editor said the Digital Editions were showing as out of stock for him about 10 seconds later,
though, so who knows if I would have actually been able to make the purchase. And shortly after, a few of us at
The Verge were seeing that preorders were no longer available.
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