ウクライナのポロシェンコ前大統領がカラシニコフで武装して前線へ [711292139]
- 未分類
- 投稿者:引用 | 2022年3月1日
1 ::2022/02/26(土) 11:33:52.87 ID:mLlr6awR0.net ?PLT(13121)
Former Ukrainian president Petro @poroshenko shows @JohnBerman the arms his group is carrying, including a short Kalashnikov and two machine guns, noting they don’t have a tank or anything more since they just started this patrol a few days ago
190 ::2022/02/26(土) 18:58:01.07 ID:5aAXgEZd0.net
14 ::2022/02/26(土) 11:38:03.54 ID:f5oUln1g0.net
152 ::2022/02/26(土) 17:08:40.64 ID:ijAzTfjT0.net
196 ::2022/02/26(土) 19:14:55.47 ID:TQK/QSNU0.net
39 ::2022/02/26(土) 11:48:38.24 ID:VzcWHkxK0.net
203 ::2022/02/27(日) 10:36:10.41 ID:/eYxAUBI0.net
154 ::2022/02/26(土) 17:12:49.36 ID:QQrw1gny0.net
143 ::2022/02/26(土) 16:22:12.81 ID:oURWcM7d0.net
221 ::2022/02/28(月) 09:03:41.56 ID:0nkFZ98v0.net
187 ::2022/02/26(土) 18:55:26.32 ID:YEE+PRNE0.net
173 ::2022/02/26(土) 18:04:09.74 ID:owxIxh+e0.net
168 ::2022/02/26(土) 17:38:22.96 ID:fXfyqbIU0.net
192 ::2022/02/26(土) 19:01:37.99 ID:C4u2bR0n0.net
182 ::2022/02/26(土) 18:38:15.72 ID:/3CfE6fk0.net
176 ::2022/02/26(土) 18:09:42.07 ID:pH8ZN4830.net
4 ::2022/02/26(土) 11:35:49.24 ID:UnI6BRog0.net
216 ::2022/02/28(月) 08:34:10.34 ID:7LZEJ2kd0.net
106 ::2022/02/26(土) 13:22:53.46 ID:mFTw2I6S0.net
136 ::2022/02/26(土) 15:18:59.06 ID:KYO5RfdG0.net
130 ::2022/02/26(土) 15:10:01.96 ID:FgmflQFp0.net
81 ::2022/02/26(土) 12:23:28.58 ID:UnI6BRog0.net
69 ::2022/02/26(土) 12:07:06.67 ID:C6NWv4xP0.net
41 ::2022/02/26(土) 11:49:26.25 ID:SqHPXqQS0.net
222 ::2022/02/28(月) 09:05:11.82 ID:MuJK+IV70.net
15 ::2022/02/26(土) 11:38:54.40 ID:ymLt1pqu0.net
5 ::2022/02/26(土) 11:36:16.71 ID:TSpJ/zAA0.net
167 ::2022/02/26(土) 17:36:34.62 ID:fXfyqbIU0.net
52 ::2022/02/26(土) 11:53:45.15 ID:6ivXLeHQ0.net
51 ::2022/02/26(土) 11:53:35.37 ID:/rVzhA9F0.net
25 ::2022/02/26(土) 11:42:52.32 ID:IFGHQA+80.net