【定期】レオナルド・ディカプリオさん(47)交際4年の彼女が25歳を迎えたので無事破局完了 [632443795]
- 未分類
- 投稿者:引用 | 2022年9月1日
1 ::2022/08/31(水) 10:54:53.13 ID:DL5lschC0●.net ?2BP(10000)
Leonardo DiCaprio and Girlfriend Camila Morrone Break Up After 4 Years of Dating
Leonardo DiCaprio and girlfriend Camila Morrone have called it quits after more than four years of dating, sources told E! News.
The ship has sailed for Leonardo DiCaprio and Camila Morrone’s relationship.
The Titanic star, 47, and the model, 25, have split after more than four years of dating, sources close to the couple tell E! News.
E! News has reached out to Leo and Camila’s reps but has not received a comment.
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