- 未分類
- 投稿者:引用 | 2019年10月19日
1 ::2019/10/18(金) 11:44:01.12 ID:8+AefS5d0.net ?PLT(19081)
A group of deep-sea scavengers were spotted feasting on the remains of a whale by ocean
researchers who looked on as the fish, octopods, and marine worms picked the huge carcass clean.
The Nautilus Live team filmed their macabre encounter during a livestream of their underwater explorations off the coast of California,
and crew members can be heard gasping in awe at the exciting scene rarely caught on camera.
Close-up shots show octopuses clamped on to the skeletal remains of the giant mammal, identified by the marine experts as a baleen whale.
Osedax, or ‘bone-eating’, worms are also hard at work living up to their name, boring into the last remnants of the whale.
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26 :マックス犬(茸) [ニダ]:2019/10/18(Fri) 12:13:44 ID:576iP1Y50.net
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50 :タウンくん(茸) [KR]:2019/10/18(Fri) 13:26:07 ID:+ZjBJvj00.net
28 ::2019/10/18(Fri) 12:16:44 ID:prkreQuV0.net
3 ::2019/10/18(金) 11:46:18.28 ID:77yO4mdc0.net
43 ::2019/10/18(金) 12:42:05.89 ID:ZU+HxMiM0.net
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